Kindle Fire Taking 54% Market Share Android Tablet

Saturday 26 May 2012

According to research firm comScore, a website that engages in the statistical analysis of digital business, Amazon Kindle Android tablet market dominate the market with the number in the range of 54.4%. Ranked second, Samsung Galaxy Tab steal market share at 15.4% rate. Following in third place, the Motorola Xoom take the figure of 7%. This figure is for tablet users with the Android platform.


To own the largest number of tablets today is still dominated by the iPad from Apple. However, Apple seems to be alert to the movement of Fire tablet Amazon Kindle Android is. In the fourth quarter of 2011 yesterday, Apple's sales decreased from 61.5% to 54.7%. All thanks to a continuous penetration of Fire Kindle sales.......

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Kindle, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Display  


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