9.iPod Belts and Boxers

8.iPod nano thong

7.iSticky Pad

6.iPod gloves

5.iPod Shoulder Bag and Boom Box Combinations

With retro and geek chic fashion all the rage today, not surprising boom box is making his own tongue-in-cheek again. Various plastic boom box was built to carry an iPod or play FM radio is available now from several developers. Many are designed for women's shoulder bags, and imitating the design of boom box speakers and the buttons. Some just hold the iPod and has a hole for the headphone jack, while others actually have a working speaker built into the material and play whatever you choose.
If you do not strut your stuff on the beach, relaxing next iPod accessory designed complex may be useful to you, especially on a lazy Sunday morning
If you do not strut your stuff on the beach, relaxing next iPod accessory designed complex may be useful to you, especially on a lazy Sunday morning
4.Pause -- the iPod Compatible Bed

3. iPod Phonograph Dock

2.Bulletproof iPod Case

Fortunately, a Japanese iPod owners take care of both situations. Although rumor has it the owner had never really experienced the shooting while listening to music, he dropped the model trains are crowded and significantly damaged his iPod. This led him to develop a striking, aluminum case for MP3 player, which is thought to be strong enough to stop, 22-caliber bullets. If the case was really the architect involved in a shootout, the iPod will not be fully protected - it provides a case with openings for the screen and click wheel. This case also weighs about 1 pound (450 grams), which is almost 2.5 times the weight of an iPod without a case
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